


PIRCH: Just a Store

PIRCH is unlike any other home appliance store. It’s fully interactive environment—complete with cooking classes and shower-head testing—proves it. To call it just a store would be an insult. As would be calling one of the many celebrity influencers in the campaign by their generalized title.


Each tastemaker and celebrity was given a genericized title of who they are—downplaying their profession—creating the perfect metaphor for Pirch being called a “store.”


Grand Opening Launch Party

You can’t launch a store in NYC and not have a giant opening night party. Because of the campaign, buzz swelled and over 2,000 people showed up. In fact, we had to turn people away due to fire safety concerns. Talk about a good time.

The real highlight of this party? Hearing Iris Apfel say she showed up “looking for a sugar daddy.”